January 30, 2005

Changes in direction

I wonder - black on white - if I'm slowly loosing my grip on this thing. I started with ideas of social justice and unintended consequences, but know I seem to be branching (dangerously) into the world of phenomenology and things that seem to speak of the ultimate nature of reality. All very interesting, just a bit of a concern for someone doing honours education.

At any rate after talking to my second supervisor my potential thesis now looks like this:
  • Chp. A substantial discussion of Social Constructionism. Trying to clearly spell out the implications for educational practice.
  • Chp. Realist critique of SC and a little discussion of 'practice' from the realist perspective.
  • Chp. Discussion of the limits of SC with the implications of these for the debate.
  • Chp. Could include an analysis of an empirical study; perhaps something that connects with work done Brian Butterworth, "The Mathematical Brain".
