January 06, 2005


So many places to go, so many things to do.

I had thought that I'd been to a fair number of countries and 'seen the sights' as it were. But it's salutory to lay out those places on map and see how few and far between they really are. How Eurocentric they've been. I realise that so many places are unknown to me like the black hand of night; dark and behind the veil.

The world really is a large expanse and when you finally reflect and look at just where it is that you've been - all laid out like it were a dining table of past meals, well perhaps it's then that you begin to realise just how limited your choices have been and how small your everyday frustrations are. And yet to look and ponder where next ... there is an enormity of places to go and things to do: new faces, experiences, possibilities. What indeed is 'our' world?

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